# Installation

xrDebug is available for Windows, macOS, Linux and FreeBSD. Download the latest xrdebug binary from the releases page (opens new window).

# Binary install

  1. Go to the releases page (opens new window).
  2. Download the appropriate binary for your operating system.
  3. Extract the downloaded file.
  4. Move the binary to a directory included in your PATH.

Optionally, you can run this command to install the latest version:

bash <(curl -sL xrdebug.com/bin.sh)

# Install from source

Ensure you have Go (opens new window) installed.

go install github.com/xrdebug/xrdebug@latest

# Docker image

Container images are available at ghcr.io/xrdebug/xrdebug (opens new window).

docker pull ghcr.io/xrdebug/xrdebug:latest

See Run > Docker for the docker run command.